Wednesday, December 14, 2011

things i love to hate and hate to love about winter

love to hate
  • getting out of the shower in the winter.  worst feeling ever.  i swear this makes my showers 9384092384 times longer because I'm dreading getting out.
  • waiting in the morning for my car to warm up.  my car probably hates me because this doesn't happen as often as it should.
  • on that note, waiting for my car windows to defrost.  i tend to start driving as soon as the front one is clear....oops.
  • can we say ICE ON THE WINDOWS? awful.  enough said.
  • tacky christmas lights.  please don't have everything blinking in no particular order.  it drives me CRAZY.
  • jackets.  i hate hate hate hate hate having long sleeves on.
  • how early it gets dark.  seriously i go to work in the dark and i come back home in the dark.  i'm in need of some vitamin D!
  • getting out of bed in the morning, because it's always soooo warm and comfy in the winter.
  • shoes.  not really a shoe person but i'm starting to get cold easily, so i have to suck it up this winter and wear some shoes.

hate to love
  • Christmas cookies, especially the 9384092384 types that my grandma makes every year.
  • shopping for people and giving gifts
  • busy busy busy malls, i like being around a lot of people, especially those who are festive.
  • that it doesn't snow very often (thank god!), but when it does, everything shuts down.  it's great.
  • teaching the girl scouts about other cultures, not just christmas.  i think it's important to recognize and understand other holidays/people.
  • its cold enough to drink hot chocolate and coffee without feeling overheated.  i really miss these things when it's above 50 degrees, ha.
  • cold air.  it does wonders for a stuffed up nose.
  • how beautiful the sky is in winter.  i always wonder why this is....seems like in the winter it is just crystal clear.
  • holiday dinners....i love family time. 
  • comfort foods.  if it were up to me i'd eat beef stew, chili & lasagna in the summer, but for some reason it seems people only eat them when it's cold. 
  • sleeping with 5 blankets.  most cozy thing EVER.

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