Monday, October 15, 2012

Day 1- Discuss your current relationship

Ok so I totally said I was going to the blog challenge starting in August, and then, well....I forgot.  So I figure I'll do it now.  I mean I'm living in the middle of nowhere and have a decent amount of time on my hands, so why not?

Discuss my relationship status.  Ready, go....


I can't decide how I feel about this.   Sometimes it's nice to be able to do what I want, whenever I want.  Other times I really miss the benefits of having a relationship with someone.

I honestly think that while I'm in graduate school the fact that I am not in a relationship will probably prove beneficial.  It'll be enough to maintain relationships with my friends and family and peers, let alone a romantic relationship that is new and needs extra nurturing.  I mean lets be real, my relationships with my family and friends are so old by this point, each one feels pretty effortless to maintain because they're all just part of who I am.  Also, if I was to date somebody new, they wouldn't necessarily know random tidbits about me that may be affected by the stress of grad school.  Like the fact that I'm fairly easygoing usually.  Or the fact that I'm not overly particular about most things in life-- just school when I'm on a roll and trying to do well.  I feel like so many of those random things could be fatal to a developing relationship.

I'm not saying that I would be against dating somebody if the opportunity came up.  But let's be real, I've been single for two years and it doesn't look like that'll be changing anytime soon.  Sometimes I think I'm too picky when it comes to guys, but I'll save that for another lengthy post....

Sometimes it's a little frustrating to be the single one, when every (and I mean everyone) on facebook nowadays seems to be engaged or married.  Don't get me wrong, I'm happy for all these people, especially my friends, but it's like a daily reminder to me that my life is still in an awkward place.  Oh well!

I think those are all my thoughts for now....

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