Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Day 3- Five pet peeves

1. Smacking lips while eating.  Or make other stupid noises.  Mostly just noisy eaters.
2. Popping gum.  No  one wants to listen to it.
3. People who don't say 'thank you' or 'you too' or respond at all when you do something nice for them or tell them to have a good day, etc.  clearly a pet peeve from working in customer service.  rude folks.
4. When my face is touched.  For some reason this really annoys me, probably because there's rarely a good reason for somebody to do so.
5. When people stop listening and respond with "mhmm" and other random noises so that you know they aren't listening.  Just hang up or make an excuse to stop talking.

I probably could think of more but I guess they are my top 5, with number 1 definitely being in the correct spot and the rest are kinda interchangeable.

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