Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Day 2- Where you'd like to be in 10 years

So I decided to take a break from working on my 25 page paper to answer this one.  I feel like I deserve it, as I'm finally at 15 pages, working on 16, so I'm well over halfway done!  Especially since I could 'get by' with 20 pages if need be.

Here we go...

I don't know exactly where I'd like to be in 10 years.  Everything I had planned for 20 didn't happen the same way I expected, and I'm sure everything I had planned for 25 won't happen as I planned it originally either.  I'm ok with that though, because overall my life is going in a great direction and I know what I want now better than I did at 10 or 15 planning for 10 years later.  I can throw out some ideas of what I hope my life will be like in ten years, but I'm doing this knowing that life takes crazy twists and turns and my life will probably be nothing like what I'd imagine now.  This could be a little bit easier for 5 years, as I'm in my graduate program for the next 3 and then a CF for my career for 1, so its a little more predictable, but I'll give 10 a shot....

Ideally, by that point I'd like to be married and have children.  I thought I always wanted children early, but hopefully by having them a little later in life I'll be more financially stable, have more patience, and also I'll get to do some of the things now that I wouldn't be able to do as often with children-- like travel!

I hope that 10 years from now I will have been able to see more places of the world.  I know realistically that I won't be able to visit every place that I'm curious about, but as long as I keep making efforts to travel and see new things, I'm ok with that.  Hopefully I'll be able to instill this passion into my children as well, as I think traveling is a great great GREAT eye opener.

In ten years, I will be about 7 years out of grad school, so I should have a pretty solid job.  Thankfully I'll be in a job that I am passionate about...how much better could it get?  Who knows what field I'll be in (within speech pathology).  If I chose to work in a 501c or at a school, hopefully in ten years I will only be 3 years off from having my loans re-payed in full-- what a wonderful thought!!

Mostly, in ten years I hope that I am still surrounded by friends and family.  Those are the people in my life that make everyday worth it, and no matter the situation, as long as I still have them, in 10 years my life will be pretty bright.

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